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Keeping your home warm throughout winter is always the goal, but often it can be a bit of a challenge. The solution is choosing a heating system that works well in your space and delivers just the right amount of warmth, right where you need it. Here are our home heating solutions so you’re well informed to keep cozy (and well in control of your bills), this winter. 

Boost Energy Efficiency
Make it your goal to maintain the warmth inside your home and you’ll create significant energy savings. Aim to maintain a temperature of 21°C. Keep the doors of unused rooms closed when not in use. Ensure windows and doors are well sealed, and use window coverings such as heavy curtains or insulated blinds, to help prevent heat loss. 

When choosing a new heater, opt for one with a high energy-star rating. The higher number of stars (out of six) equates to greater energy efficiency and lower running costs. Whilst the most energy-efficient heaters will tend to be more expensive, they will be cheaper to operate in the long term.

Natural Gas Heating
Natural gas is the cheapest form of home heating. Natural gas gives you three times the heat of electricity for about the same cost - plus it’s much kinder to the environment than other types of heating.
Flued Gas Heaters
A flued gas heater is set up as a permanent fixture in your home. The 'flue' is a type of chimney system that allows fumes to be directed through a pipe outdoors. Flued heaters like gas fireplaces with variable flame control, are generally used for large living areas. Ducted-gas central heating circulates warm air throughout various zones in the home via ceiling or floor vents. Whereas, gas-boosted hydronic heating, circulates hot water through radiator panels in the floor or ceiling. 

Wood Heating
Wood heating burns solid fuel and is very efficient at distributing heat throughout large living areas. Relying on radiant heat, convective heat, or a combination of both, wood heaters are an inexpensive, and use a renewable type of fuel, as long as it’s sustainably harvested.

The most common types of wood heating are fireplaces and slow combustion heaters.  A fireplace is typically a part of the house's structure, inserted into a wall or chimney breast; whilst a slow combustion wood heater is a standalone appliance with a flue, which can also be installed into an existing fireplace.

Electric Heating
Electricity is by far the most common fuel for residential homeowners. It’s a 'clean' fuel source, which means you have no fumes or debris like gas or wood heaters. Whilst electric heaters are relatively safe, they are the most expensive type of heating to run and the least eco-friendly. 

Reverse-Cycle Heating
Reverse-cycle air conditioners are the most cost-effective form of electric heating. Although a significant investment upfront, they will heat a single room through to a whole house effectively and have the added benefit of switching to cool mode in summer. You’ll find the latest models are now offering energy-saving features too.

Electric Fan Heaters
Fan heaters (also known as convective fan heaters) are inexpensive to buy, but can be very expensive to run. These types of heaters commonly come in two types of shapes – tall and slender, or short and flat. When choosing between the two, tall and slender is usually the better choice, as it will circulate the air faster. Another option, is micathermic panel heaters. These heat a moderate-size room in just 60 seconds, and come in slender wall-mounted or portable models. 

Under-Floor Heating
Underfloor heating systems are popular with homes in colder climates or for those of us who want a touch of luxury, particularly in the bathroom or living area. While hydronic underfloor heating is now a popular choice for many homeowners, electric under-floor systems still have their own merits as well.

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